Enrolling at our pre-school
Children may start at Maiden Erlegh Preschool from age 2 years. Registrations forms can be downloaded from our Forms & Documents section. Please complete and return the form when your child is at least 18 months old in order for their name to be placed on our waiting list. We primarily serve the Earley/Reading area of Berkshire but also welcome children from further afield.
Parents are entitled to fifteen hours of funded childcare per week, which is subsidised by local borough councils. These hours may be taken in any combination, subject to availability. Hours taken over and above the free entitlement are payable.
For families where both parents work for a minimum of 16h per week (or the equivalent of this at minimum wage) and both earn under £100,000 per year, children may be entitled to 30h funding per week, during term time.